Saturday, September 15, 2007

Man Can Not Serve Two Masters

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. (Matthew 6:24)

I found this scripture particularly timely. This is a widget that I have on my Google page and it displayed today. I have been struggling with making God a priority in my life. A friend of mine had a dream a couple of weeks ago. When she has dreams, you need to listen. Most of them are symbolic. I prayed that God would give her an interpretation of the dream - and He did.

She has worked for me for 7 years, and she has never dreamed about me. She dreamed that I was driving and she was riding in the back seat. I had a piece of paper and I was looking at it while driving. She said that the person in the back has no control, and she kept telling me to watch out. She said that I said, "I got it." However, I kept turning the page, and looking at the paper, rather than on the road. She said we then ran off the road, and slowly started flipping in the vehicle. She said she could see the glass flying.

She received the interpretation a week or so later. She said that I have had my focus off of God and not on the right road. She said that I needed to regain my focus, or that I was going to crash. She was scared to tell me this, because I was the boss. I told her I wanted to know, because I knew it was from God. She wasn't telling me anything I didn't already know. I am thankful for her honesty and am trying to taking steps forward.

I know that God has a plan for me. I know that He has called me to be an intercessor. I am to stand in the gap for people. For example, there is a woman that I pass on occasion, on the way to work. I pray for her when I see her, and whenever I think of her - in the shower, whenever. The name I have is "Angela." I don't know her, but God has put her on my heart to pray for her. I don't know why.

I pray Lord, that you will forgive me. Guide me. Give me wisdom. Help me to honor your Word. Let your Holy Spirit guide me. Help me to prioritize my life so that the things that are taking too much of my time will fall away. Help me to begin to operate in the gifts that you have given me. In Jesus name, Amen.

If anyone else out there is feeling the same way, or would like to share their thoughts. I will gladly agree with you and pray for you. Ms. Tina


Anonymous said...

I look forward with great anticipation to read more of your journey!!!

Hugs to you!

mathplayground said...

Hi Tina,
I am really looking forward to learning more about my spiritual side with the help of you and the others in our group. Your new blog will be another place to gain insights.

Jane Nicholls said...

How strange! I pass a woman frequently on the way to work and now look for her each day. For some reason in my mind I call her Fiona. I don't know her but she comes to mind each day. Maybe I am called to pray for her also...

Great blog, timely reminders to keep our eyes focussed.