Sunday, September 30, 2007

Have a Cheerful Heart!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Prov. 17:22

The other day I decided "Today is going to be a good day, BECAUSE I SAID SO!" I decided that every time I passed someone in the hall, I would smile at them and say "hello." After work, I went to the grocery store. I did the same thing. You wouldn't believe how my smile was contagious! I made a lot of people smile. It took so little effort and I felt so good. I felt like I was letting my light shine (God's light shine) in such a little way. It was so easy to do.

I had the joy of the Spirit! When it's in your heart, it bubbles over. Sometimes life can get too serious. Remember to take time out of the day to laugh.

Laughter is so good for the soul! Check out "I Like Big Bibles" below and have a good laugh for the day!

Jesus loves you!


Lowe Family said...

Hi , I just wanted to say that your blog in awesome. My wife ad I are having some trouble and I was really down and somehow came across your blog, It has made me relieze that god is in control.
Thank you.

Lowe Family said...

Hi, Want you to know that I love your blog, wife and I have been having some trouble, was feeling lost, But found your blog some how and now relieze that god is in control of all things.
Thank you